Partners in the Field

To fuel our work, Snow City Arts taps into a national community of like-minded organizations in the arts and culture, arts education, and arts and health fields.

Having developed a reputation for strategically effective, long-term collaboration with our partners, Snow City Arts acts as a conduit to channel the power and impact of these institutions to directly benefit the children and youth we serve.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners in the field for their support!

Arts & Business Council of Chicago

The Arts & Business Council of Chicago (A&BC)’s mission is to help strengthen non-profit arts organizations. A&BC does this by building working relationships between arts organizations and highly-qualified business professionals, providing training in all aspects of management and board function, and conducting research in leading and emerging issues related to the world of arts nonprofits. A&BC’s Business Volunteers for the Arts (BVAs) have supported Snow City Arts’ work on a custom database designed to evaluate student data related to arts education in the hospital.

Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Public Schools is the third largest school district in the United States. One of the top priorities in the Chicago Public Schools is to provide unique learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.

Snow City Arts helps CPS accomplish this goal by aligning all learning to state learning standards, tracking our work with patients and sharing that work with CPS in order to help students get classroom credit for their Snow City Arts learning. CPS has even created a special high-school-level Snow City Arts course, which allows chronically ill children to follow a specialized curriculum in the hospital setting and keep up in school.

Columbia College Chicago

Columbia College is one of Chicago’s leading cultural institutions and the country’s largest arts and media college, with more than 11,000 students and 1,100 faculty members. Through their Community Schools Program, Snow City Arts students have access to countless departments and resources throughout the college. Our young people are able to meet and work with faculty and students on original projects, attend Columbia’s High School Summer Institute, and even qualify for scholarships to help them attend the college.

Enrich Chicago

Enrich Chicago is a collaborative of 30 Chicagoland arts and philanthropic organizations (“the cohort”), including Snow City Arts, that is committed to ending racism and systemic oppression in the arts sector. Our efforts form a critical lever to ensure equity of access and prosperity for ALAANA (African, Latino, Asian, Arab, and Native American) artists and organizations. Through three programmatic initiatives, Enrich aims to advance our collective vision of a flourishing, sustainable, and equitable arts sector and drive systems-level change. The work of the cohort focuses on three areas: 1) providing anti-racism learning and capacity-building to advance institutional change and significantly improve racial equity in Chicago’s arts sector; 2) increasing leadership opportunities for ALAANA arts administrators; 3) increasing equitable access to resources and funding opportunities and for ALAANA arts organizations.


Ingenuity’s mission is to leverage the vibrant communities, rich knowledge, and significant resources of Chicago to ensure the arts are a critical component of every public school student’s education. Snow City Arts works in partnership with Ingenuity to collect and analyze student arts learning data.

National Guild for Community Arts Education

Snow City Arts is a proud member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education, whose mission is to ensure all people have opportunities to maximize their creative potential. The Guild accomplishes this by developing leaders, strengthening organizations, and advocating for community arts education. Through these actions, the Guild aims to address our country’s widening opportunity gap, as the status quo leaves millions of individuals with little or no access to the creative resources they need to reach their full potential.

National Organization for Arts in Health

Snow City Arts is a member of the National Organization for Arts in Health (NOAH), which provides transformational leadership to bring the field of arts in health together, and to move the field forward. Their focus is on the future of arts, health, and wellbeing, and creating tangible impact from their goals and initiatives.  We know through research and experience that the arts are an integral component to health, and NOAH is committed to shaping a reality where that fact is accepted fully and incorporated into medical treatment, medical education, prevention, and public health and wellbeing.